Dealing With Stress
My senior thesis project is going to be about stress. I want to learn how to educate others (my peers) throughout a web site about stress, what it is, how serious it is and how to deal with it. I will create a Wonder How To account where I am going to update every time I have something or learn something new about stress. I am interested in this project because I know counselors have to deal with this type of problems, and know information about what is stress and how to deal with it. By doing this project I will be a step closer in knowing a start of big problems among teens.
My investigation for my senior thesis will be:
- What affects does stress cause in your body?
- How could teens alleviate stress?
- Is stress different between teens and adults?
My products are going to be:
- To create a brain model
- Two types of surveys, one will be done in school the other one will be done throughout the community
- Reflections on testing out surveys. The survey that I will be testing among my peers is going to be from school.
- Research Paper
- Wonder How To (website)
My project is going to be real by the products I will be creating, updating information to the wonder How To and by doing the research. One of the reasons I choose this project is because, is the first thing that came to my head when I was meeting with Joan. It is also one of the things I see everyday. This is also something I been hearing since I was a freshmen at FTA. I heard students say "Oh I am stress out" and so on. This project is related to my interest because I want to become a counselor and to start with I need to know some things about stress. This is going to benefit my self and anyone who goes to the wonder how to website and learn anything about stress that I have posed.
Active Learning
My project will be hands on base on the products that, I will create. I will need to go out and have a lot of people opinions. I will accomplish this by going to interviews. The kind of work I will create outside of school will be my interviews, research, surveys, and working on my tests. The technologies I will use are going to be any documentary related to stress.
Active Learning
The resources that I will be using are going to be internet, books, interviews any mentors that I will be getting along, any adult on campus, my peers help, articles, videos and, documentary. The adults that are going to help me out are my advisor Jessica Davis, and any one on campus. I will also get help from my senior thesis committee group and their feedback.
Academic Rigor:
My Project is going to be challenging by the model I am going to do in order to explain the brain while stress is occurring in the brain. This work is going to challenge me by making a website because I had never created a website or made a model of something in my life. Another thing that it would challenge me in is testing out my surveys results. This is something that I have never tried before. This project is making me try out and experiment more than I had done in the past with my surveys and my projects.
Empirical Reasoning
For Empirical Reasoning I will make a model to show how the brain works when you are stress and when you are not stress out. I will also test out results from my survey. I will also be doing two different types of surveys that will be base on who do they deal with stress and who are more stress out. I will also collect my resources by Internet, books, interviews, articles, and documentary. I will also need to find a mentor where I will be able to get help from.
Quantitative reasoning
For Quantitative Reasoning I will do a survey and I will pass out in school. This is to help me out how do people in school deal with stress. In the end I will test them out with the help of my peers to see if they really help out. I will also do another survey where I am going to pass out to the community where I will be able to see who is more stress out people in school or people who are not.
For Communication I will do interviews, I will pass out surveys I will be doing my research paper. I will also be communicating by my exhibition, asking for help when I need it. I will also keep track of people I contact or interview for other to use.
Social Reasoning
For Social Reasoning it would benefit any one in the community (in or out off the school). This is also part of my research paper where I will be able to know who is more stress out.
Personal Qualities
For Personal Qualities I will manage my time by using my super calendar every day, a huge one for me that I really want to improve on is asking for help. I also have to be accountable to move this project forward and having excellent time management by planning ahead of time. I will also need to make time to pass out surveys in and out of school. I will also have to work with adults.
I would be evaluated during my exhibition. I will have my products and be able to explain it. I will also show my portfolio, which is going to have all my drafts and work on this project. In the end I will reflect on my process.
Time Line:
Month/ Goals
Goal To Be Completed
Check Box
- October:
Find an LTI
Find a Mentor
Gather Resources
Talk to Lindsay about QR
Start working on surveys
Make a Wonder How To Account
Look up Contacts for Interviews
Weekly Reflections
Senior committees meetings
Month/ Goals
Goal To Be Completed
Check Box
· November:
Pass Out Surveys
Update Wonder How To
Look up Contacts for Interviews
Weekly Reflections
Start working on QR
Plan out brain Model
Start Research Paper
Pass out Survey in school
Pass out Survey Outside of school
Have an LTI
Month/ Goals
Goal To Be Completed
Check Box
- December:
Test Out surveys from school
Research Paper
Start Creating Brain Model
Find a Mentor
Look up Contacts for Interviews
Weekly Reflections
Senior committees meetings
Update Wonder How To
Work on QR
Month/ Goals
Goal To Be Completed
Check Box
- January:
Gather Resources
Talk to Lindsay about QR
Work on QR
Look up Contacts for Interviews
Weekly Reflections
Update Wonder How To
Work on brain model
Reflections on Surveys Results
Research Paper
Month/ Goals
Goal To Be Completed
Check Box
· February
Senior committees meetings
Weekly Reflections
Update Wonder How To
Look up Contacts for Interviews
Graph QR
Month/ Goals
Goal To Be Completed
Check Box
· March
Research Paper Due
Brain Model Due
Weekly Reflections
Update Wonder How To
QR Due
Surveys Results Due
Month/ Goals
Goal To Be Completed
Check Box
· April
Senior Thesis Due :)
§ How will this project be sustainable?
The Wonder How To will still be running after I leave. Anyone that is interested in continuing this could update it and improving the site.
§ Will you be also a Peer-Evaluator?
Yes I will also be a peer evaluator since is part of my project.
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